NSE 8 Lab Task Guide New
NSE 8 Lab Guide
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NSE 8 Lab Guide
with step-by-step Tasks
The NSE 8 Lab Guide is a workbook for Network Professionals preparing for the Fortinet NSE 8 Practical Exam.
Our PrepForce 8 team, developed the NSE 8 Lab Guide as an exclusive guide to help NSE 8 candidates practising for the exam. The Lab Guide packages are available as a self-study option. The purchase of this lab guide includes limited Remote Lab Access.
NSE 8 Lab Guide Content
The NSE 8 Lab Guide is structured with step-by-step Tasks, to give you a clear direction on how to configure each task. Note that this guide does not include answers or solutions to any task.
We anticipate that candidates attempting the NSE 8 exam, should be able to complete all the tasks on their own. The current version of our Lab Guide is being upgraded from 48 to 38 tasks.
Note that the NSE 8 exam blueprint for FortiGate 6.0 and higher, covers new Fortinet products. Explore below the Fortinet products covered in our NSE 8 Lab Guide:
- FortiGATE 6.0.x
- FortiMANAGER 6.0.x
- FortiANALYZER 6.0.x
- FortiSANDBOX 3.0.x
- FortiADC 5.1.x (VM and D series)
- FortiWEB 5.3.x
- FortiMAIL 5.2.x
- FortiAP (coming soon)
- FortiClient (coming soon)
Our lab prepares you for the NSE8 Practical Exam. But currently does not cover FortiDDoS, FortiSwitch or FortiSIEM.
Our Labs have now upgraded to the latest versions covered in the NSE 8 practical exam!
Last update: November 2019
NSE 8 Lab Guide Purchase Options
The NSE 8 Lab Guide helps you prepare for the Fortinet NSE 8 Lab Exam. It contains a lab topology, step-by-step tasks and remote lab rental access. Take a look at the Lab Guide, Download an NSE 8 Lab Guide Sample Chapter for free.
NSE 8 Solutions Guide
In addition to the Lab Guide, candidates may purchase the NSE 8 Solutions Guide separately.
The NSE 8 Solutions Guide provides the solutions to the Lab Guide, explains all the answers for each step, and shows you how to configure the outlined tasks.
All right reserved. Sharing, distributing or printing any PrepForce 8 material is strictly prohibited.
Self-Study Package - Light
NSE 8 Lab Guide (with step-by-step Tasks) and Lab Access 1790 €
This Package Includes:
- NSE 8 Lab Guide with step-by-step Tasks (Full 48 tasks)
- Lab Topology Diagram
- Remote Access Information
- Rental Rack Access: Full 3 Days (72 hours)
Mode: Hands-On, Self-Study (PDF)
General Considerations:
- The NSE 8 Lab Guide and the Lab Access can only be purchased for one user on a license basis. Sharing, distributing or printing is strictly prohibited.
- The NSE 8 Solutions Guide is not included in the Lab Guide with step-by-step Tasks. It can be ordered separately for 700 € (euros).
- The NSE 8 Lab Guide includes all the 48 configuration tasks based on our lab topology. For lab topology, please check our lab racks diagram. Extra lab time can be bought separately.
- The Lab Access (Rental Rack) is included as 3 full consecutive days in a row of 24 hours per day. Time slots can be reserved in advance. Support only provided during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 CET (Central European Time). The time slot cannot be divided into smaller slots.
- Please check the terms and conditions carefully before ordering this package.
Self-Study Package - Extended
NSE 8 Lab Guide (with step-by-step Tasks) and Lab Access 2290 €
This Package Includes:
- NSE 8 Lab Guide with step-by-step Tasks (Full 48 tasks)
- Lab Topology Diagram
- Remote Access Information
- Rental Rack Access: Full 7 Days (1 week)
Mode: Hands-On, Self-Study (PDF)
General Considerations:
- The NSE 8 Lab Guide and the Lab Access can only be purchased for one user on a license basis. (Sharing, distributing or printing is strictly prohibited.)
- The NSE 8 Solutions Guide is not included in the Lab Guide with step-by-step Tasks. It can be ordered separately for 700 € (euros).
- The NSE 8 Lab Guide includes all the 48 configuration tasks based on our lab topology. For lab topology, please check our lab racks diagram. Extra lab time can be bought separately.
- The Lab Access (Rental Rack) is included as 7 full consecutive days (one week) in a row of 24 hours per day. Time slots can be reserved in advance. Support only provided during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 CET (Central European Time). The time slot cannot be divided into smaller slots.
- Please check the terms and conditions carefully before ordering this package.
NSE 8 Solutions Guide
NSE 8 Solutions Guide for the NSE 8 Lab Guide 700 €
This Package Includes:
- NSE 8 Solutions Guide
General Considerations:
- The NSE 8 Solutions Guide can only be purchased for one user on a license basis. (Sharing, distributing or printing is strictly prohibited.)
- The NSE 8 Solutions Guide does not include the NSE8 Lab Guide or any other additional material.
- Please check the terms and conditions carefully before ordering this package.